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Check out the newly release video "Made In Chester," produced by the Chester County School District and York Technical College, featuring our industries!

Chester County is strategically located in the center of three large commercial centers – Charlotte, N.C., Columbia, S.C., and the Greenville-Spartanburg metropolitan area. Rail and highway transportation supports each of these centers and allows area businesses and industry to send and receive goods quickly and efficiently.  Although textiles served as the major industrial base for decades, Chester County has seen a diversification of its industrial base over the past 20 years.


Today the county produces plastics, steel, glass, fiberglass, paper, wood products, and several types of specialty chemicals.

More than 250 businesses and industries make up the membership of the Chester County Chamber of Commerce. Members make frequent use of the services and resources offered by the Chamber, including industrial roundtables, human resource events, small business seminars, and other networking opportunities which help strengthen the business community in Chester County.


For more information regarding business & industry within Chester County, please visit Chester County Economic Development.

Attorney Joanie Winters presents important legal information during the popular "H.R. Cafe" for business professionals and Chamber members. 

Chester County Chamber of Commerce

109 Gadsden Street

Chester, South Carolina 29706

(803) 581-4142

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