Please call the Chamber if you have questions. Thank you. 803.581.4142
Gold, Platinum & Partner members receive ONE free team in either the golf tournament or clay shoot each calendar year! These members also receive their logos on our banner and get a hole sponsor sign!
Eagle: $550 (4-Person Team, Hole Sponsor, Banner Sponsor, Cart)
Exclusive Hole: $300 (May set up company tent/table on hole)
Banner Sponsor: $150 (Company name on tournament banner)
Hole Sponsor: $100 (Company name on assigned hole)
Golf Packages
Golf: $300 (4 Person Team, Cart)
Add-ons—Limit ONE per player
Contest Add-Ons: $25 per player (two mulligans, one red tee, one throw)
$100 for team (You may pay for add-ons at the tournament.)
Please enter the correct dollar amount in our secure payment center: